Technical Assistance Grants

Specialized Assistance for your Business

Trying to both operate and develop your business at the same time is difficult, but you're not in this alone. A Technical Assistance Grant can help.


  1. Review the options below: Explore our menu of technical assistance services to find the support that best matches with your business needs.

  2. Choose what's best for you: Make a note of the services that will most effectively address your current challenges and future goals.

  3. Apply for Assistance: Follow the link to apply for assistance.

Start transforming your business today with up to $3,000 in specialized services. Let us help you turn your challenges into opportunities!

  • Elevate your business identity with expert guidance on crafting compelling brand stories, designing eye-catching logos, and implementing impactful marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience.

  • Transform your online presence with an attractive, user-friendly website. Learn how to attract and retain customers, optimize for search engines, and ensure your site stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

  • Master the art of social media marketing with tailored strategies to engage your audience, increase followers, and convert likes into loyal customers. Discover the power of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for your business.

  • Enhance your brand’s visual appeal with professional-quality photography and video content. Learn techniques to capture the essence of your products and services, creating visuals that captivate and convert.

  • Build a thriving team with top-notch HR support. From recruitment to retention, gain insights on best practices for managing employees, fostering a positive workplace culture, and navigating HR compliance.

  • Boost your business acumen with personalized coaching sessions. Develop strategies to increase sales, improve customer relationships, and achieve your business goals with confidence and clarity.

  • Embrace the future with AI-driven solutions. Discover how artificial intelligence can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation in your business.

  • Tap into the booming e-commerce market with expert advice on setting up and optimizing your online store. Learn how to manage inventory, process payments securely, and provide a seamless shopping experience.

  • Gain control over your finances with professional financial management support. Understand budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning to ensure your business remains profitable and sustainable.

  • Navigate the complexities of accounting and tax compliance with ease. Learn how to keep accurate records, file taxes correctly, and take advantage of deductions and credits to maximize your savings.

  • Turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality with dedicated start-up support. From business planning to securing funding, get the essential tools and knowledge to launch and grow your new venture successfully.