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No Cost Strategies to Increase Leads, Conversions, and Sales

No Cost Strategies to Increase Leads, Conversions, and Sales

ONLINE [Live Virtual Event]

Date & Time: July 20, 2023, 9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT

Cost: Free

Duration: 90 minutes

Language: English

REGISTRATION: Click here to register for this class.

ABOUT THE EVENT: Using a simple 5-part framework, Amanda breaks down the complexities of business and strips away the chaos so you can make strategic choices that will get you out of the hamster wheel of 2022 and into growth - even in a shaky economy.

With inflation on the rise, it is important to focus on what works and tighten up systems so that all your efforts, from leads and conversions to sales, pricing, and profits, are profitable and sync up. 

This presentation is not about advertising on social media or Google. The strategies presented will cost you nothing to implement, and you'll be able to start using them to find $10K (and likely even more!) in your business immediately.

What you will walk away with are:

  • REAL strategies that you can implement yourself 

  • INSPIRATION that can only come from being in a room with like-minded business owners doing the same work at the same time 

  • The PEACE OF MIND knowing that you're focusing on the business activities that make a difference so you can work smarter rather than harder.

Presented By: Amanda Bedell

Amanda helps business owners write themselves bigger paychecks and take vacations without cash flow anxiety and endless phone calls from staff. With her proprietary software and systemized approach, Amanda’s clients see results of $150k + in 90-120 days. 

Amanda spent over 18 years in the marketing and public relations fields working with multi-million dollar organizations and in the entertainment industry. In between, she built a bakery business from a farmers market booth to a brick-and-mortar and manufacturing facility employing 15 people. Her intimate knowledge from scaling a business merged with her marketing and communication experience creates a holistic approach to building a business. Her work centers around employee relations, efficiency systems, and marketing strategy.

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